Universe Size Comparison Part-2

                                                                 Universe Size Comparison (Continuation)

16) Vega  = 3,800,000 km 
Information - Vega is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra . 
Vega's absolute magnitude is  +0.582.

17) Arcturus = 36,000,000 km 
Information - Arcturus, designation α Boötis, is the brightest star in the constellation of Boötes, the fourth-brightest in the night sky, and the brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere.  
Arcturus's radius is 17.671 million km . 

18) Rigel = 97,000,000 km 
Information - Rigel designated β Orionis , is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion , approximately 860 light years form Earth .
Rigel's surface temperature is 11,000 kelvin . 

19) Betelgeuse = 1,300,000,000 km 
Information - Betelgeuse is usually the tenth-brightest star in the night sky .
Betelgeuse's apparent magnitude(K) is -4.05. 

20) VY Canis Majoris = 2,000,000,000 km 
information - VY Canis Majoris is an extreme oxygen-rich red hypergiant or supergiant pulsating  variable star located 1.2 kiloparsecs away from Earth in the constellation of Canis Major . 
VY Canis Majoris's  radius is 987.89 million km . 

21)  UY Scuti =  2,400,000,000 km 
Information - UY Scuti was first catalogued in 1860 , by German astronomers at the Bonn observatory , who were completing a survey of stars for the Bonner  Durchmusterung Stellar Catalogue.
UY Scuti's radius is 1.1883 billion km . 

22) NGC 1277 = 60,000,000,000 km 
Information  - NGC 1277 is a lenticular galaxy in the constellation of Perseus . 
NGC 1277's apparent mass is ~121.4 billion M☉ .

23) TON 618 = 400,000,000,000 km 
Information -  As quasars were not recognized until 1963, the nature of this object was unknown when it was first noted in a 1957 survey of faint blue stars that lie away from the plane of the Milky Way..
TON 618's distance from the Earth is 10,037 billion light years .

24) Cat's Eye Nebula  =   250,000,000,000,000 km 
Information -   The Cat's eye nebula is a planetary nebula in the northern constellation of Draco, which was discovered by William Herschel on February 15, 1786.  . 
It's radius is 0.2 light years.  

25) Helix Nebula  = 3 Light years .
Information - The Helix nebula is a planetary nebula that is located in the constellation of Aquarius. 
It's age is 10,610 years . 

26)  Orion Nebula  =  24 Light years .
Information - Orion nebula is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky way, being south of Orion's belt in the constellation of Orion. It is one of the brightest nebulae and it is visible to the naked eye in the night sky . .
It's coordinates are RA 5h 35m 17s | Dec -5° 23′ 28″. 

27) Omega Centauri - 150 Light years .
Information - Omega Centauri is a globular cluster in the constellation of Centaurus, that was identified as a non-stellar(being a celestial object (as an asteroid) that resembles a star but is not a star) object by Edmond Halley in 1677. 
It's radius is 86 light years .

28) Small Magllenic Cloud = 7,000 Light years .
Information - The Magllenic Cloud or Nubecula Minor is a dwarf galaxy near the Milky  way .. 
It's radius is 3,500 light years

29) The Milky Way  = 100,000  Light years 
Information - The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System, with the name describing the galaxy's appearance from Earth  . 
It's radius is 52,850 light years .

30) IC 1101 = 6,000,000 Light years . 
Information - IC 1101 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy at the center of the Abell 2029(also called A2029,  is a large cluster of galaxies 315 megaparsecs or 1.027 billion light-years away in the constellation Virgo.) galaxy cluster and is one of the largest known galaxies. 
It's radius is 1.9569 million light years .

31) Bootes Void = 250,000,000 Light years 
Information - The Boötes void is an enormous, approximately spherical region of space, containing very few galaxies. 
It's radius is 165 million light years . 

32) The Universe  = 150,000,000,000 Light years <

Information - The universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. While the exact size of the entire universe is unknown, it is possible to measure the size of the observable universe, which is currently estimated to be 93 billion light-years in diameter. In various multiverse hypotheses, a universe is one of many causally disconnected constituent parts of a larger multiverse, 


a part of the universe

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