How to make a paper crane

                                 Follow the video  given below or the description  

  1. Cut the paper in square shape
  2. Fold the square paper in half [diagonally]
  3. Open the paper and flip it
  4. Fold the paper diagonally in the other half
  5. Fold the paper in half (Horizontal)
  6. Fold the pager in half in the other direction {Horizontal}
  7. Take two corners  and put them together.
  8. Form a  diamond from the paper without tearing paper
  9. Take a flap and fold it on the  creese {do the same with the other flaps} 
  10. Unfold all the flaps
  11. Open the bottom of the diamond  and fold the flaps inwards 
  12. then close it 
  13. Take a flap and  fold it over the other creese 
  14. Take the bottom half  and fold it in half so that it goes above  the top corner
  15. fold the bottom half  in half  
  16. close the flap and repeat with the other flap  and close it 
  17.  Fold the front in a way so that  it is sightly above the top corner 
  18.  Then take the top corner  and fold it  a little down
  19. fold it in half {Vertically}
  20. Turn it around to make the tail 
  21. fold it in half {Horizontally}and then Vertically

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